Pokémon | Info |
Stitched Gengar Level 20 Old Chateau | - Talk to the painting with the glowing red eyes in one of the rooms at the back of the Old Chateau.
- You will encounter a special, costumed Gengar.
- This Gengar is mechanically identical to a regular Gengar.
Crystal Onix Level 50 Ravaged Path | - After defeating Wake (or on your way to Canalave), speak with the NPCs in the back of Jubilife Poké Mart.
- Walk north of the city toward the Ravaged Path.
- Head inside the Ravaged Path and turn left. Surf down the waterway until you reach land, and pass into the cave system while defeating Graveler in the way.
- You will locate Crystal Onix in the very back.
Spiritomb Level 30 Route 209 | - Get the Odd Keystone from a man on Route 208, hidden in Twinleaf Town, or from the Underground.
- Talk to the broken stone tower to encounter Spiritomb.
- The Odd Keystone will only be consumed upon successful capture.
Gabite Level 25 Wayward Cave | - Enter Wayward Cave from the hidden entrance beneath the Cycling Road.
- Go through the basement and up the stairs to the small room.
- Walk forward and you'll encounter Gabite.
Rotom Level 20 Old Chateau | - Talk to the TV in one of the rooms at the back of the Old Chateau.
- The event is now repeatable and can be done at any time of day.
- The key you find can be used on Eterna's Galactic HQ first floor after defeating Jupiter.
Drifloon Level 15 Valley Windworks | - After defeating Mars, the scientist will mention Drifloon reappearing.
- You may now encounter it once a day outside the Valley Windworks, instead of every Friday.
Tinkatuff Level 30 Amity Square | - Enter Amity Square and proceed through the event by finding them around the park.
- Head near the top of the park and to the left of the lady standing in front of the poffin maker.
- Head up the stairs on the right of the park and then head up to get it to run out of the small houses at the top of the hill.
- Head to the left of the park and find the girl standing with her Happiny.
- Go back to the small houses at the top right of the park and talk to it there to catch it.
Litwick ??? Lost Tower | - Enter Lost Tower and proceed through the event.
- You will fight an uncatchable Chandelure.
- Afterward, a Litwick will approach to join your party.
Clone PokémonVenusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu Level 75 Oreburgh Gate (B1F) | - During the course of Mewtwo's event, you will fight four Clone Pokemon.
- You may fight them in any order and must catch them to proceed.