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Updates Changelog


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June 4th, 2024 update

  • Added version 2.1F number to the logo.
  • Pokémon assetbundles have been re-inserted so overall mod size is smaller, and the bundles are cleaner. Changes include:
    • A vanilla issue with Arceus forms with their ambient textures has been fixed
    • Clone Pikachu now has a full set of custom animations
    • All PLA/Hisuian 'mons now have a custom rare battle idle animation
    • Minor fixes to custom mons, such as smoothing Spiky-Eared Pikachu's spiky ear model
  • Various UI fixes for too low/invisible 'mons on box or Pokédex screens for Sky Battlen't 'mons.
  • The Pokédex Habitat Screen has been adjusted for all 'mons (including statics, gifts, honey trees) and is now accurate to the in-game data for 2.1 Final. (Forms do not have separate habitat screens; all data for one species is displayed on one screen.)
  • Gigaton Hammer no longer crashes when used in a Contest.
  • Great Marsh cameras no longer dip into the Void.
  • All Box Sprites for 'mons are now cleaner, higher quality, show if the 'mon is shiny or gender variant, and should no longer cause lag in battle.
    • Eggs should now show before they are hatched if they are shiny or not, including the Manaphy Egg.
  • Eggs can now be released when in the boxes.
  • Player variation sprites such as the weight compare body sprites and the map player heads have been replaced by a single symbolic image each. This is to adjust for player costume variations and custom outfits in the future.
  • Hall of Fame images for all newly inserted Pokémon or regional forms should now be corrected and show the accurate regional form or custom 'mon.
  • Custom battle trainers have been newly inserted or adjusted such as Darach and Caitlin, Steven, and Dahlia. They should no longer stutter in their animations.
  • Fixed minor script issues such as the Bike Shop Owner in Eterna City.
  • Underground minigame diggable items have been adjusted, no more Spheres and Arceus Plates, but more evo stones and other useful items have been added.
  • An issue with some Trainer battles having incorrect EV setups on some 'mons has been fixed.
  • Skill Swap TM NPC dialogue has fixed.
  • Power Items added to the Veilstone Department Store 2F.
  • Spear Pillar floor tile collision adjusted to remove invisible walls.
  • Reset Guru should now properly reset Dialga, Palkia, Heatran and Groudon.
  • All Underground sphere shops removed for good as their shop data had been removed previously, but the guys remained with broken shops.
  • Restored moves now have slightly more fitting move animations based on existing BDSP move animations, instead of Pound placeholders both in Battle and Contests.
    • Twineedle in particular has had its entire custom sequence fully restored as a proof of concept.
  • Some non-functional moves have been stripped from Pokémon learnsets, since they couldn't be restored in 2.1F.
    • These are: Miracle Eye, Odor Sleuth, Foresight, Snatch and Me First.
  • Fixed various bugs with Pokémon Species Data.
  • Slowbro's form will now hatch the correct Slowpoke forms; fish 'mons now all have egg group Water 2 instead of Water 3; various vanilla forms of 'mons missed getting rebalance data applied to them (Burmy, Wormadam, Shellos, Gastrodon, Castform etc); removed invalid wild held items from certain 'mons.
  • Pokémon Footprints on the Pokédex have been removed to prevent issues when adding new Pokémon and accessing related data (such as Footprint Guy on Route 213).
  • Dialogue files have all been edited so that other languages have every proper placeholder setup in the files, ready to be translated by others. All vanilla language data has been inserted, so the only things that need translation are anything custom or new from our mod.

November 4th, 2023 update

  • Added version 2.0.2F number to the logo.
  • Added an NPC to the Pokémon League PC that gives you all the TMs you missed during your playthrough.
  • Rewrote the flow of Eterna City. It is no longer necessary to visit the Cycle Shop owner. Blockers are removed by beating Jupiter.
  • Rewrote Cynthia Eterna Egg event. Now triggers on main path, is optional.
  • Added an NPC to the Pokémon League PC that resets most, not all, static encounters. This does not reset the event, only the Pokemon itself.
  • Due to popular demand, Chandelure is uncatchable in Chateau Mansion and is now acquired in the Lost Tower instead as a Litwick, after beating Chandelure.
  • Fixed an issue with Dawn/Lucas having no dialogue after the Distortion World.
  • Tink line no longer breeds Chanseys.
  • Fixed Tink middle evo not being able to learn Flash Cannon via TM.
  • Fixed an issue with the choice items. No longer hangs the game.
  • The funny thing has had its level reduced because someone managed to catch it.
    • Looker is no longer in disguise. If you know, you know.
  • Gigaton Hammer is now functioning as per vanilla. Tink balancing re-adjusted to reflect this.
    • Sheer Force → back to Mold Breaker.
  • Shiny Toucannon has a texture now.
  • Fixed Chandelure in all his menu screens.
  • Lampent will no longer send you out of bounds if you load a save pre-2.0.1 while in the Lost Tower.
  • Yisuno made our Chandelures pretty.
  • Grammar improvements.
  • Many big brain exefs fixes.
  • Fixed a bug where you could miss the Porygon encounter by coming back for it later after receiving Cynthia's egg.
  • Fixed Blue Shellos not evolving.
  • Fixed some borked roar animations.

October 31st, 2023 update

  • Added version 2.0.1F number to the logo.
  • Sky Battlen't 3.0 integrated.
  • Deoxys can be rebattled now. Player may need to leave and re-enter map to enable.
  • Mewtwo Armor no longer works as a form-changing item. See 2nd Floor NPC in Resort Area Pokémon Center to change forms.
  • All Pokémon are now allowed into Amity Square.
  • Fixed Uxie looking weird in some scenarios.
  • Dialga should no longer be tiny in Hall of Fame screen.
  • Certain Pokémon no longer know self-defeating moves when trying to catch them. (Ho-Oh, Stitched Gengar, Celebi.)
  • Kleavor can now learn Rock Slide.
  • Sneasler can now learn Thief.
  • Removed Cell Battery as a valid item drop.
  • Eggs now have correct hatched data.
  • Fixed a basegame bug with Mira involving following Pokémon. Maybe.
  • Added more dialogue so that hopefully the player understands why they should show the Ditto NPC a baby starter.
  • Litwick event added to the Lost Tower.
  • Tinkatuff event added to Amity Square.
    • Added Tinkaton line + balance changes. +15 Atk; Mold Breaker → Sheer Force; Gigaton Hammer → Steel Giga Impact (No Contact), Iron Head replaces Flash Cannon in Level Ups for the whole line
  • Crystal Onix stats, movelist and abilities updated to make it more useful for the portion of the game you catch it in.
    • You may have to use an Ability Item to update an already-caught Onix's abilities.
    • Crystal Onix can now be bred for more baby rocks and shiny hunting.
  • Forced turnaround after healing was not triggering on a "game over". Fixed it.
  • Old Man part of Celebi event improved.
  • Celebi event will no longer break in the event that you manage to lose to one of the trainers.
  • Pokemon Mansion, Lost Tower, Mining Museum, Trainer School and T.G. Eterna Building are now considered their own locations.
  • Team Galactic Eterna HQ should now be considered a separate encounter area.
  • Name Rater Sign changed to Nature Mint Dude.
  • TM20 Safeguard returned as an item to beside Pokemon Mansion. Flag reset.
  • TM56 is available as a field item on R222. Flag not reset.
  • Moved Gene to make the berry accessible in postgame.
  • Added Reaper Cloth to Acuity Lakefront field item.
    • Added Reaper Cloth to Lost Tower Floor 1 NPC.
  • Blackglasses Item giver should give all 3 items regardless of time of day.
  • Variety Poké Balls added to Veilstone market (ie. Dive Balls).
  • Hiker on R217 had outdated dialogue.
  • Sketchy merchant will no longer sell you drugs, just stolen goods.
  • Added missing Lost Tower NPCs.
  • Barry teams at the fight area have been updated. These are not random and the Hall of Fame check has been removed.
  • Changed sailor code to block the player once Riley's event is finished and Byron hasn't been spoken to. This will let the player return to Canalave during the Riley event if need be.
  • Riley will now give you the right Town Map flag after obtaining Strength. This is not retroactive.
  • Lady in distress tooltip improved, the game will now tell you to go to Veilstone after finishing the mansion event.
  • Griseous Orb should now appear after catching Giratina. This is not retroactive.
  • Giratina should only spawn in Turnback cave when the player has a successful game clear.
  • Really annoying Eterna woman blocker no longer blocks.
  • Trainer battle music for Volkner restored.
  • Ivy's dialogue was borked, now is not borked.
  • Fixed the Odd Invitation item description to better clarify its origin.
  • Infinite Repel has usage dialogue now.
  • Tooltip changed from "Go visit the Cycle Shop" to "Talk to the cycle shop owner."
  • Jan now turns mostly correctly.
  • Added Cancel option to Roark's evolution stone dialogue.
  • Fixed Wind Badge typo.
  • The computers in Jubilife should no longer try to connect to the internet.
  • Rowan and R202 support adventure tooltips fixed, previously reversed.
  • Item Fanatic should give a leek to Sirfetch'd now.
  • Lucian is no longer a Lass in the Pokemon Canalave Library. Animations repaired, nameplate added.
  • Jasmine should push the player back an additional step after dialogue with no badge.
  • Nameplate added to Rival's dialogue in R212 North.
  • Route 207 blockers in Eterna could despawn early, removed old flag triggering on Cynthia egg.

June 13th, 2023 update

  • Added 2.0F version number to the logo.
  • Fixed the bad learnsets of form Pokemon.
  • Fixed Arceus form learnsets and TM learnsets.
  • Fixed Hisuian Qwilfish evolution method.
  • Ombiboost move effect restored on Ominous Wind and Silver Wind.
    • Signal Beam added to R212 Move Tutors.
    • Ominous Wind added to R212 Move Tutors.
  • Party Move Relearner option wasn't seeing a few valid TMs, this has been resolved.
  • Fixed the visual badge issues in the trainer card.
  • Galarian Slowbro was missing a roar animation.
  • Fixed the vanilla bug of honey tree encounters and static encounters not having held items.
    • You can now farm Munchlax for leftovers without going to the Grand Underground.
  • Added new dialogue to the mint guy to better indicate what he wants from you.
  • You can use the PC box from the menu in Pastoria gym now.

June 9th, 2023 update

  • Added 2.0.7 version number to logo.
  • Added a trade for a cool new foreign Ditto.
  • All wild encounters have had their levels properly homogenized to be the highest for their route/slot type, fixing some bugged inverted minmax caps in the process.
  • Fixed a bug with no incense mon being called for surfing in the Feebas pools in Mt Coronet, it should now be Galarian Slowpoke encountered via surfing with incense.
  • Mt Coronet 4th floor's fishing rod encounters had only 3 of their 5 slots in their tables, added the missing tables and properly set the missing mons to Dratini and Dragonair.
  • Internally fixed the formatting of certain routes just for cleanliness, no actual changes to species or percents or anything, just making sure everything is in its proper place/slots.
  • Removed the visual "graying out" of Pokémon that are lower than level 100 when hyper training.
  • Fixed trade dialog for Snorunt -> Chatot going off screen.
  • Fixed Rival fusing with the Gym Guide in Pastoria.
  • Fixed Defog giving multiples.
  • Removed evolution for Crystal Onix.
  • Removed evolutions from Eevee form 3.
  • Added level caps Windworks Mars (19) and Canalave Barry (49).
  • Fixed Underground Man Quest to no longer require multiplayer.
  • Fixed Electrode’s sprite.
  • Some backend stuff.
  • Fixed the vanilla bug of honey tree encounters and static encounters not having held items. (Go, and farm Leftovers from Munchlaxes!)
  • Fixed Unown forms B-Z, ? and ! having missing data.
  • Celebi's first portal will remain visible now, even through a wild encounter.
  • Great Marsh NPCs brought up to parity with RP.
  • All radar mons in all routes have been homogenized into one Radar mon, no changes noticable to the player except for the following:
    • Valley Windworks: Only Plusle shows up via Pokeradar.
    • Route 205 South: Only Minun shows up via Pokeradar.
    • Eterna Forest: Only Wurmples shows up via Pokeradar.
    • Route 212 South: Only Muk shows up via Pokeradar.
  • When Incense and Radar are both active in the Trophy Garden (and the 'mon of the day for today and yesterday is NOT Eevee), Eevee/Porgyon can still be found in day and morning slots, Cleffa at night slots.
  • In game has achieved full parity with Renegade Platinum docs, fixed various typos/wrong species in just one slot in certain routes:
    • A Nidoking was meant to be Nidorino in r221.
    • A Golem was meant to be Graveller in Victory Road 2F.
    • A Weedle was meant to be Weepinbell in r224.
    • A Chingling was meant to be Chatot in r213.
    • A Shinx was meant to be a Luxio in r222.
    • A Marill was meant to be Parasect in Great Marsh 3/4.
    • An Ursaring was meant to be Swalot in Great Marsh 5/6.

June 4th, 2023 update

  • Logo updated for new version number.
  • Contains the fix for the form bug mentioned in hotfix
  • Hiker Alexander has been returned to R208.
  • Mansion Partner Barry's teams corrected.
  • Dialogue tweak in Rowan's lab scene.
  • Evey is now Evey, not Eve or Traynee. No more split personalities.
  • Fixed regular Charizard missing his cry in the boxes.
  • A certain Pokémon's animations were previously applied to the wrong form and have been removed.
  • Enabled Big Nugget and Pearl String items.
  • Big Nugget and Pearl String sprites added.
  • Kantonian Meowth now only holds Nuggets to increase hold percentage, and Poliwhirls hold Pearl Strings for money farming.
  • Incense Burner popup has its proper image, the rest have placeholder wip images for now.
  • Added all the proper titles and texts for all the new inserted field guide popups and adventure book tips. This includes Incense Burner, Move Reminder, Nicknames, IV Judge, Everlasting Candy, and Badge Tutor notes.
    • Some of these notes may not yet have flags to activate them, and thus are unavailable to the player.
  • Pickup Table completely changed. Changes can be found on the pickup page.
  • Softlock on R224 fixed, no visit to a PC necessary.
  • New encounter locations added. Trainer School, Team Galactic Eterna HQ, Cycle Shop and the Mining Museum are all separate encounter zones now for all you nuzlockers.

June 1st, 2023 update

General changes and fixes:

  • Added new intro, logo and version number.
  • Game will stop you in a Pokémon Center if you try to play Luminescent Platinum on top of Shining Pearl.
  • Added tooltips for Lumi features.
  • Added an Incense Burner dialogue to Rowan.
  • Incense Burner tooltip appears during first Shaymin cutscene
  • Nickname from menu tooltip appears during the first Rowan lab scene
  • Move relearner from menu tooltip appears after beating Dawn/Lucas on R202.
  • Regional Pokémon forms now have unique Pokédex entries.
  • Increased all large legendary's interaction zones to 2.5 tiles, from 1.75.
  • Riley's egg can now be temporarily declined, he also won't disappear before giving it to you.
  • Looker now looks less janky during first scene in Lake Valor restaurant.
  • Looker should no longer kick you out of the dialogue.
  • Barry now looks at player during dialogue post-battle on R201.
  • Oak's letter event should firmly kill the player's ability to move.
  • Fix being able to move before Professor Oak stops you during Shaymin event.
  • Losing to Barry in Pastoria will have him standing outside the gym, ready to battle.
  • Fixed Barry in Pastoria for the last time.
  • Fixed Dawn's R224 dialogue.
  • Re-implemented Pokémon Mansion double Grunt battle.
  • Smoothed Darach's animations.
  • Roark has nameplates.
  • Rowan's Assistant model now reflects the Platinum Outfit.
  • Improved flow of dialogue at Oreburgh Gym Guide.
  • Fixed R224 bugs with Marley.
  • Scald TM dude has collisions now.
  • Re-implemented the infinite repel.
  • Added ironmon compatibility, all enforced double battles will accept single mon battles.
  • All Mew forms should no longer leave the player with a ! above their head after the event.
  • Added a way to leave after beating the Armored Mewtwo so people can shiny hunt later if they want.
  • Added runaway prevention flags to Shadow Giratina and Armoured Mewtwo.
  • Deoxys event bugs fixed.
  • Updated legendary encounter levels to better reflect player level at time of event.
  • New assetbundles for Wyrdeer/Kleavor/Ursaluna to fix animation issues.
  • Aggron female icon repaired.
  • Ho-Oh made smaller to fit it a little bit better in the overworld.
  • Regigigas can be rebattled now, bringing it in line with how the other legendaries act.
  • During wild battles, Thief/Covet now move stolen items directly to the bag whether or not the user is holding anything.
    • Remains unchanged in trainer battles.
  • Removed all vendors from the Grand Underground to prevent guaranteed hangs and crashes.
  • Small changes in Eterna Gym.

Balance changes:

  • Gave Dragonite Shed Skin in A2 over Inner Focus.
  • Alolan Graveler has Rollout over Outrage at 16.
  • All trainer mons that used Return now use Frustration for mechanical reasons.
  • Replaced all Sticky Barbs with Rocky Helmets.
  • Fixed many restored battle item implementations (most on the backend, but notably Rocky Helmet).
  • Feebas holds Prism Scale at 5% chance.
  • Luvdisc now only ever holds Heart Scales.
  • Sylveon got Shadow Ball back.
  • Honchkrow got Night Slash back.

Fixed the following encounters:

  • Sneasler (Map ID 206, all incense) are no longer Shinyn't Pikachus
  • Sneasler (Map ID 206 [Mt. Coronet], Leaf Green [Hisui] incense) replaced accidental Gigamax. Snorlax
  • Hisuian Typhlosion (Map ID 264 [Turnback Cave], Fire Red [Galar], Leaf Green [Hisui] incense) replaced Totodile
  • Obstagoon (Map ID 489 [Route 230], all incense) are no longer Shinyn't Pikachus
  • Obstagoon (Map ID 489 [Route 230], Leaf Green [Hisui] incense) replaced Perrserker

April 2nd, 2023 update

  • Added Sirfetch'd to Floarama item giver.
  • Fixed Spiritomb.
  • Pokedex checkers won't crash anymore when you have more than 493 Pokemon.
  • Updated Cyrus' BattleID.
  • Fixed Arceus event.
  • Added Adamant and Modest Mints to Eterna Forest as hidden items.
  • Added softlock prevention due to network error in the Jubilife building (maybe).
  • No more hyper training schoolboy.
  • Added hearing.
  • No more Alolan Dugtrio in Oreburgh Mine.
  • Wake rematches are now Wake.
  • Alolan Vulpix no longer holds Snowballs.
  • Added Dahnimation fixes for many many mons.
  • Changed Assetbundles of Pokemon to significantly reduce filecount.
  • Removed Cleffa from Cynthia's egg.
  • Electivire moved closer to Volkner.
  • Dahni contest fixes.
  • Added Dahlia to Sunyshore City, no battle model yet.
  • Added Steven field and battle model to Oreburgh.
  • Added Darach field and battle model.
  • Added Steven battle, requires game clear.
  • Fixed Griseous Orb, maybe. If you've already caught Giratina, you will be given it automatically.
  • Fixed Magma Stone. If you've already caught Heatran, you will be given it automatically.
  • Reset the Mewtwo and Gengar event.
  • Barry will no longer be duped in Pastoria under rare circumstances.
  • Bertha should have collisions now.
  • Caitlin now has her angry face.
  • Fixed some nameplates.
  • Disabled all unusable Pokemon so randomisation works in Imposter's Ordeal.
  • Fixed Mewtwo Armor.
  • Fixed some encounter table issues.
  • Various backend fixes.

February 13th, 2023 update

  • Fixed broken NPC in Survival area.
  • Fixed broken Sylveon animations.
  • Showing Jan the Crystal Onix will now give you 15 Heart scales.
  • Fixed Berry girl's dialogue in Solaceon.
  • Fixed legendary beasts lady dialogue in the Lost Tower.
  • Bertha no longer gets a seat.
  • Barry now spawns 3 tiles higher in Pastoria.
  • Blockers added in front of Renegade Park to prevent an out of order issue.
  • Spawned the support on R210 North 4 tiles further away. Adjusted animation in kind.
  • Adjusted Lucas' dialogue on R210 North.
  • Added a period to Maylene's dialogue when she stalks you on R217.
  • Added a space somewhere.
  • Utilisied a wild DJ to improve Crystal Onix event dialogue.
  • Spiritomb is rebattleable now. Keystone consumed on capture.
  • Gave Togekiss Airslash back on evolution and as level 1 move.
  • Fixed encounters in various areas.
  • Bunch of dialogue corrections.
  • Fixed the Orbs being invalid items.
  • Fixed Groudon not despawning.
  • Fixed Oak hardcrashing because you caught more than 493 Pokemon .

February 8th, 2023 update

  • You only need to speak to Jan in Trainer School once to get Everlasting Candy.
  • Hyper Training (boosting IVs) now available as soon as you get to Jubilife City, level cap restriction removed.
    • Graphical issue: Pokémon lower than level 100 will still be greyed out, but are fully selectable.
  • Giratina cannot be caught in the Spear Pillar sequence. You must now become Champion and find it in Turnback Cave.
    • Losing to Cyrus or Giratina in the "Distortion World" should no longer be a softlock, and allow you to re-enter the space from Spear Pillar.
  • Clone Pikachu should be fine if caught as either gender now. If you caught it before 2.0.0b, though, we still recommend you release it as before.
  • "General Badge" Gene in Battle Area has been moved elsewhere within the same route to avoid his kecleon impression (being mostly invisible).
  • Groudon moved to inside Heatran's Room.
  • Kyogre moved to R213.
  • The Lati duo can now properly be rebattled until caught.
  • Many wild encounter issues have been fixed.
  • Many trainer held item adjustments. See our documentation for information where applicable.
  • Alolan Vulpix's Ice Beam and Safeguard learn levels have been swapped.
  • Regional Pokémon and new evolutions have had their animations fixed, icons added, sounds inserted, and should function properly now. Anything we've missed is now something we would like reported.
  • Underground Save Bug is no longer an issue. If you were affected in 2.0.1, you should be able to load your save after updating.
  • Now can only Surf after receiving Wake's badge.
  • Unintentional double battles after losing to Lucian in Solaceon can be fixed by healing at a Pokémon Center. Losing to him going forward should not trigger this behavior.
  • Regi trio can now be triggered by speaking with a small girl NPC in Snowpoint Pokémon Center after becoming Champion.