Pokémon | Info |
Articuno Level 60 Mt. Coronet (Summit) | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to the snowy parts of Mt. Coronet.
- Just above the spiralling paths entrance is Articuno.
- Talk to Articuno to encounter it.
Zapdos Level 60 Valley Windworks | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Valley Windworks.
- On an island behind the building is Zapdos.
- Talk to Zapdos to encounter it.
Moltres Level 60 Victory Road | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Victory Road.
- In a small room accessible from the last big area is Moltres.
- Talk to Moltres to encounter it.
Mewtwo Level 80 Oreburgh Gate | - Once you gain access, meet with Dragonite in Resort Area to receive the Odd Invitation.
- Go to Oreburgh Gate.
- In the basement, head as far west as possible to find a Nurse.
- Talk to the Nurse with the Odd Invitation in your inventory to find Mewtwo.
- Capture all of its clones to fight it.
- After defeating its armored form, you will fight it again and may attempt to catch it.
- Once defeated, you will receive [Mewtwo's Armor] as a memento.
- You may change forms between Mk.I (original movie) and Mk.II (PokéGO armor) by speaking with the NPC on the second floor of the Resort Area Pokémon Center. Both forms are purely cosmetic.
Mew Level 50 Route 201 | - A Shroomish is near the start of Route 203 near some flowers and trees.
- Talk to it with an Oran Berry in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Shroomish part, you'll find a Buneary on Route 209 above a muddy slope.
- Talk to it with a Sitrus Berry in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Buneary part, you'll find a Torchic in Pastoria City on the alcove above the lake.
- Talk to it with an Old Gateau in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Torchic part, you'll find a Pachirisu on Route 201.
- Talk to it and it'll transform into Mew, but stay in place.
- Talk to Mew to encounter it.
Pokémon | Info |
Raikou Level 60 Route 208 | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 208.
- On the platform on the left of the route accessible by Rock Climb is Raikou.
- Talk to Raikou to encounter it.
Entei Level 60 Route 211 | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 211 (East).
- On the platform on the top of the route accessible by Rock Climb is Entei.
- Talk to Entei to encounter it.
Suicune Level 60 Route 213 | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 213.
- At the bottom of the platform in the middle of the route accessible by Rock Climb is Suicune.
- Talk to Suicune to encounter it.
Lugia Level 80 Route 220 | - After becoming Champion, place Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres in your active party.
- Ask Professor Oak in Eterna City about 'Quests' to get the Silver Wing.
- Go to Route 220.
- At the bottom of the route is Lugia on a small island.
- Talk to Lugia with the Silver Wing in your inventory to encounter it.
Ho-Oh Level 80 Lost Tower | - After becoming Champion, do the Lugia quest as far as receiving the Silver Wing from Professor Oak.
- Place Raikou, Entei and Suicune in your active party.
- Ask Professor Oak in Eterna City about 'Quests' to get the Rainbow Wing.
- Go to the Lost Tower.
- On the top floor by a grave is Ho-Oh.
- Talk to Ho-Oh with the Rainbow Wing in your inventory to encounter it.
Celebi Level 50 Eterna Forest | - Check the shrine in Celestic Town to get the GS Ball.
- After getting the GS Ball, return to Eterna Forest from the entrance on the Eterna City side.
- Walk forward and you should see a message saying the GS Ball is shaking, followed by several portals appearing around Eterna Forest.
- Celebi will come out of the portal in sight, see you, then dive back in.
- Go to each of the portals and talk to them to trigger a small Trainer fight. There are eight in all.
- After all eight portals have been cleared, Celebi will wait close to the center of the forest.
- Talk to Celebi to encounter it.
Pokémon | Info |
Regirock Level 75 Snowpoint Temple | - Defeat the Pokémon League and become Champion.
- Speak with the small girl in Snowpoint Pokémon Center.
- Take a Hard Stone to Snowpoint Temple.
- Interact with Regirock to wake and battle it.
Regice Level 75 Snowpoint Temple | - Defeat the Pokémon League and become Champion.
- Speak with the small girl in Snowpoint Pokémon Center.
- Take a Nevermeltice to Snowpoint Temple.
- Interact with Regice to wake and battle it.
Registeel Level 75 Snowpoint Temple | - Defeat the Pokémon League and become Champion.
- Speak with the small girl in Snowpoint Pokémon Center.
- Take an Iron Ball to Snowpoint Temple.
- Interact with Registeel to wake and battle it.
Latias Level 90 Fullmoon Island | - Speak to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with the Magma Stone in your inventory to receive the Soul Dew.
- Catch Cresselia on Fullmoon Island to get a rock to appear in the clearing.
- Talk to the clearing from its bottom with the Soul Dew in your inventory to get a choice.
- Choose "Red" to encounter Latias.
Latios Level 90 Fullmoon Island | - Speak to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with the Magma Stone in your inventory to receive the Soul Dew.
- Catch Cresselia on Fullmoon Island to get a rock to appear in the clearing.
- Talk to the clearing from its bottom with the Soul Dew in your inventory to get a choice.
- Choose "Blue" to encounter Latios.
Kyogre Level 90 Route 213 | - Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option to receive the Blue Orb.
- Go to Route 213.
- Talk to Kyogre with the Blue Orb in your inventory to encounter it.
Groudon Level 90 Stark Mountain (Interior) | - Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option to receive the Red Orb.
- Go to the back room of Stark Mountain.
- Talk to Groudon with the Red Orb in your inventory to encounter it.
Rayquaza Level 90 Pokémon League | - Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option to receive the Jade Orb.
- Go to the Pokémon League part above Victory Road.
- Below the waterfall on a small bit of land jutting out is Rayquaza.
- Talk to Rayquaza with the Jade Orb in your inventory to encounter it.
Jirachi Level 42 Solaceon Ruins | - Talk to the girl in the Pokémon Center in Eterna City with a Dazzling Gleam TM in your inventory.
- Talk to the old woman in a house in Solaceon Town below the ledges with a Ponyta, Rapidash, Moltres, Quilava or Infernape in your party.
- Talk to the little boy outside the bottom house in Pastoria with a Gyarados, Carvanha or Sharpedo in your party.
- Talk to the Unown on the bottom floor of Solaceon Ruins.
- Talk to Jirachi with a Jigglypuff in your party. Select 'Yes' to sing to and encounter it.
Deoxys Level 80 Veilstone City | - After the credits, talk to any of the meteories in Veilstone City.
- You should receive a message about something getting angry.
- Enter the bottommost meteor pit that has two meteorites in it, past the steps.
- Go up the steps and exit the pit. Deoxys will appear behind you and initiate battle.
Pokémon | Info |
Uxie Level 60 Acuity Cavern | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Acuity.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Uxie to encounter it.
Mesprit Level 60 Verity Cavern | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Verity.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Mesprit to encounter it.
Azelf Level 60 Valor Cavern | - Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Valor.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Azelf to encounter it.
Dialga Level 80 Spear Pillar | - After the credits, talk to the Celestic elder at the big house in Celestic Town.
- Go to Mt. Coronet.
- Collect the Adamant Orb in the cave above the waterfall in the room accessible from the summit.
- Go to Spear Pillar with the Adamant Orb in your inventory to find Dialga.
- Talk to Dialga to encounter it.
Palkia Level 80 Spear Pillar | - After capturing Dialga, return to the cave above the waterfall in the room accessible from the summit.
- Collect the Lustrous Orb.
- Go to Spear Pillar with the Lustrous Orb in your inventory to find Palkia.
- Talk to Palkia to encounter it.
Heatran Level 85 Stark Mountain | - After completing the Stark Mountain events, go to the Survival Area.
- Speak with Buck outside the building next to the Pokémon Center.
- Return to the room furthest in Stark Mountain and Heatran will appear.
- Talk to Heatran to battle it.
- After you catch or defeat Heatran, you will receive the Magma Stone.
Regigigas Level 80 Snowpoint Temple | - Complete the events in the story with Regigigas in the Snowpoint Temple.
- Become the Champion (ie see the credits).
- Go to the basement of the Snowpoint Temple with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your party.
- Talk to Regigigas with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your party to encounter it.
Giratina Level 85 Turnback Cave | - Giratina is encountered in the Distortion World as part of the story.
- It cannot be captured in the Distortion World. Defeat it to proceed.
- You can find it in the final room of Turnback Cave after the credits at Level 85.
- Talk to Giratina to encounter it.
- The Griseous Orb will be on the shrine behind Giratina once captured.
Cresselia Level 80 Fullmoon Island | - After the credits, go to Canalave and into the house next to the port.
- Talk to the young boy in the bed.
- Talk to the sailor outside to go to Fullmoon Island.
- Talk to Cresselia in the grove further in the island to encounter it.
Phione Level 1 Egg | - Place Manaphy in the Daycare in Solaceon Town with a Ditto as a partner.
- Once an Egg is found, take it and hatch it to get Phione.
Manaphy Level 1 Pokémon Mansion | - After the story events at the Pokémon Mansion, you will be offered an Egg.
- If shiny-hunting, save before receiving the Egg.
- Accept the Egg, then hatch it to get Manaphy.
Darkrai Level 80 Newmoon Island | - Obtain the Lunar Wing by capturing Cresselia on Fullmoon Island.
- Talk to the young boy in the house next to the port to heal him.
- Talk to the woman in the dark house on Route 217 to get the Member Card.
- Enter the top house in Canalave City to get warped to Newmoon Island.
- Talk to Darkrai in the grove further in the island to encounter it.
Shaymin Level 75 Flower Paradise | - Defeat Dawn or Lucas at Route 224 as part of the storyline.
- After becoming Champion, Professor Oak will approach you in Twinleaf to give Oak's Letter.
- Head to Route 224 and go towards the top of the route. Marley will speak to you.
- Speak to Professor Oak, and enter in whatever you want on the stone tablet.
- The map will change and Shaymin will appear, then flee.
- Head up the Seabreak Path towards the Flower Paradise.
- Talk to Shaymin in the center of the Flower Paradise to encounter it.
Arceus Level 100 Hall of Origin | - After the credits, talk to the old woman in the 'Foreign Building' in Hearthome City to make the Type Master trainers appear.
- You need to collect all seventeen Plate items.
- You can get the Plates by defeating the Type Master trainers. The Plates previously in the field and Underground have been removed.
- Type Master trainers must be challenged with only a single Pokémon on your team that shares the type they specialise in.
Click here to see all of the Type Master locations!- Flame Plate: Route 226, just right of the Survival Area.
- Splash Plate: Route 219, just below Sandgem Town.
- Zap Plate: Sunyshore City, inside the lighthouse.
- Meadow Plate: Floaroma Meadow, just right of the house.
- Icicle Plate: Snowpoint City, to the right of the Gym.
- Fist Plate: Veilstone City, in the house just south of the Gym.
- Toxic Plate: Pastoria City, on the top floor of the Great Marsh lobby.
- Earth Plate: Oreburgh Gate, on the top floor north of the entrances.
- Sky Plate: The Pokémon League, looking out on the right outside the building.
- Mind Plate: Solaceon Ruins, just inside the entrance.
- Insect Plate: Route 202, just above the Sandgem Town entrance.
- Stone Plate: Route 207, just to the right of the muddy slope.
- Spooky Plate: The Lost Tower, on the top floor.
- Draco Plate: Celestic Town, inside the ruins.
- Dread Plate: Sendoff Spring, just after the entrance from Route 214.
- Iron Plate: Iron Island, just south of the entrance to the cave.
- Pixie Plate: The Contest Hall.
- With all seventeen Plates in your inventory, talk to the old woman in the 'Foreign Building' to receive the Azure Flute.
- Go to Spear Pillar and stand on the flute symbol just as you leave the cave. You'll be prompted to play the Azure Flute.
- Head up the stairs to battle Arceus.
- You can fight Arceus repeatedly by playing the Azure Flute on the symbol until you catch it.