Checks the trainer flag of the given trainer.
The comparison is "equal" if the trainer is defeated, and "less" if they are undefeated.
Needs investigation on how the VS. Seeker affects this result.
Argument | Description | Types | Required |
trainer | The trainer id, or the name of the value in the TrainerID enum | Work, Float, String | Required |
_IF_JUMP('FLGON', 'ev_dummy')
The above script will set the work variable @LOCALWORK1 to 3.
Then, the trainer id contained in @LOCALWORK1 (in this case 3) is the one that is checked. This corresponds to MINI_01 in the TrainerID enum.
Next, the result of the comparison is checked. Since the condition is "FLGON" which corresponds to "equal", the jump will only occur if MINI_01 has been defeated.