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Logging is a very useful tool for debugging. You can send text messages from your switch/emulator to your PC hosting the logging server.

Sending logs from the code

  1. Edit config.cmake and change the server IP to your PCs IP. If testing on emulator, the loopback address ( will work as well.
  2. In your code, add #include "logger/logger.h" to the top of your file.
  3. Call the Logger::log("<Your message>\n") method to send a message to the logging server.

Make sure to always end your message with \n. A message is only sent by the logger once a line break is detected.

  1. Rebuild your project for the changes to take effect.

Running the logging server

Simply run the scripts/ script in python. Make sure to start the server before running the game, since it only attempts to connect at launch and does not send logs otherwise.