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Setting Up Ghidra


Ghidra is a really useful tool for reverse engineering the code already written for the game. With it we are able to see the instructions called by the game to run and the offsets of those instructions. We use these offsets to tell ExLaunch where to inject our custom code.
IL2CPPDumper Allows us to automatically assign names to various points in the program such as functions and static data. dnSpy is also a very useful tool here as its much more user friendly and allows us to easily find offsets. Just load the dummy DLLs produced by IL2CPPDumper.


  • Ghidra
  • Ghidra Switch Loader or nx2elf
    • The Ghidra Switch Loader loads the program with a base address of 0x7100000000 but we can change this pretty easily and its simpler.
  • IL2CPPDumper
  • A Game Dump with exefs and romfs. We need specifically two files.
    • main from exefs/main
    • global-metadata.dat from romfs/Data/Managed/Metadata/global-metadata.dat

Importing to Ghidra

  1. Run IL2CPPDumper on main and global-metadata.dat from the game dump. This will output a bunch of interesting files to il2cpp_dump folder. (mainly il2cpp.h, script.json and a bunch of Dummy DLLs)

    il2cppdumper.exe main global-metadata.dat il2cpp_dump
  2. Run the script on il2cpp.h outputted from the previous step.

    1. Make sure and il2cpp.h are in the same folder.

  3. Open Ghidra and create a new project.

  4. Install the Ghidra Switch Loader Plugin.

    1. File > Install Extension > Click the Plus Icon > Select the Ghidra Switch Loader .zip
  5. Import the main file.

    1. File > Import File > Select main from game dump
  6. double click the imported file to open it in code browser

  7. Parse C Source il2cpp_ghidra.h

    1. File > Parse C Source
    2. Click the pencil eraser icon to clear the current config
    3. Click the plus icon to add the il2cpp_ghidra.h file
    4. Click Parse to Program
  8. Run script with script.json

    1. Window > Script Manager
    2. Click the three lines icon to modify script directories
    3. Click the green plus icon to add a new directory
    4. Choose the IL2CPPDumper folder that contains all the .py scripts
    5. Close the script directories window
    6. Click the refresh button at the top right
    7. Find the script from the list and click the green play button to run it
    8. When prompted for the script.json file, choose the script.json file outputted by IL2CPPDumper
  9. Run Auto Analysis

    1. Analysis > Auto Analyse main. This will take a long time.